The Day is Alright

Spears_Klamath Dream 2001


It has been so nice having four days off in a row this week. Sunday was Easter and Bryn and I were able to spend the day together which we haven’t done in a long while. I was able to get some things done around the house and also a few art-related activities. One task was that I dropped off two prints for my local Art Lending Library (one is shown above). I had missed the original drop-off time on Sunday because I was so distracted by the nice weather, but they were nice enough to let me bring my work by on Monday evening and I ended up  helping them set up for the event for a little while. Sadly, I ended up not being able to go to the actual check-out event yesterday, but will definitely make it for the next one! Oh, and I got my submission in for the annual In the Spirit Native art show just in time too. Instead of new work, I chose to enter two of the prints I recently had in the EDGE printmaking show down in Pioneer Square.

I’ve also been doing a lot of writing for my MFA application. My creative manuscript is a personal memoir piece that I’m revising and updating from an earlier work and it is coming along fairly well. I also have my personal essay rough draft so I just need to work on my craft essay and then polish everything up and submit! I’m working with an essay by Rebecca Solnit for my craft essay and am so excited to go hear her speak tonight down in Portland. Normally I do so many things like this alone, but this time I enlisted two friends to come with me so I think we should have a fun time driving there and back in addition to going to the lecture.

I’m still feeling really good, maintaining my momentum from the California trip, getting things done. The sun is shining right now and as I sit here at the dining table I can hear kids playing on the field at the park across the street. I just watched two crows chasing an eagle (or some other large raptor) away from where I assume they have a nest. I’ve got a load of laundry going and just need to take a shower and head out to meet my friends for our adventure. The day is alright.