“Bringing artifacts to life!”


Last year, I assumed I already would have had my proposal for this spring’s thesis project worked out by now.  Things never seem to go as planned!  I’ve known for over a year that I wanted to work with some sort of Native American topic, but I just haven’t been able to narrow it down much further than that.  Today though, I had a breakthrough thanks to a conversation with one of my fellow interior design students.  (Thanks Jasmine!)


I’d initially thought that I was interested in looking at ways that cultural content are infused into buildings, but for some reason that topic hasn’t captured my attentions as fully as I’d expected.  I kept circling around ideas of working with art and museums without being able to land on anything that felt right.  Talking to Jasmine I was struck by inspiration to focus less on museum buildings and more on exhibits.  Although I love museums, there is always a part of me that feels slightly disturbed by how mausoleum-like they can feel.  One of the things that I really loved about the recent Coast Salish show at Seattle Art Museum was two parts that combined projected videos/images with larger objects.  It really made the objects come alive and gave them more context. 


So that’s where I’m at.  I’ve got a mission now, and it is all starting with a note I scribbled to myself this afternoon saying, “Bringing artifacts to life!”  

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